Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Europe Day 4: Berlin and Dresden

Before we left Berlin, we had two stops we wanted to make.
First though, we had to get ourselves out of the hotel parking lot and in the former East Berlin, that was no easy task.

After that, it was onto the East Side Gallery, which is the last three km stretch of the Berlin wall that still stands today and local artists have been commissioned to draw murals on it.

Then it was off to the Olympic Stadium, home of the 1936 summer Olympics and more recently the 1996 FIFA World Cup. What an amazing facility filled with some incredible history.
For all the details on this cool stadium, click here.

Then it was off to Dresden,
a 216 km drive which took us approximately 1 hr and 45 mins.

Dresden was a city that was pretty much leveled during WW II. Only recently has it begun to rebuild itself into its former prewar glory.

It seems to be working, what a charming city.

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