Thursday, November 12, 2009

Remembrance Day Ceremony

I went to the Remembrance Day service at Kew Gardens in the beach yesterday. This was the first Remembrance Day ceremony I have been to since I graduated from high school over 20 years ago -- way too long.
Here are some shots from the ceremony.
The parade coming along Queen street east.
The number of veterans from World War Two gets smaller each year.Some current soldiers and cadets dressed in WW2 kits.The ceremony at Kew Gardens.At 11:11am there was two minutes of silence. Traffic on the street came to a stop and some people actually turned off their cars and stood beside them in a show of respect. No one honked their horns, and no one made a big deal. It was a pretty cool moment. And then this bugler stepped forward and began to play "Taps" and that moment got even cooler. Hair standing up on the back of your neck, kind of moment.I'm glad I went, it was the least I could do for those that paid and those that continue to pay the ultimate sacrifice for freedoms that we enjoy in this great country of ours. Thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey mal

did you know that on the 11/11 at 11am the germans celebrate carnival - pretty coincidental huh