And I'm not sure why it did, but I think it might have to do with the fact that my eukanuba-superdog is getting old. He is not as fast as he once was, he still loves to run and play ball, but I have to be careful not to over exert him too much because he ends up paying for it later that night. He's eye sight gives him trouble at night, making it hard for him to judge distances, such as stairs. He is a lot slower at home these days too, and very creakity when he gets up from his naps. It takes him a second or two to shake the rust off. He walks with a bit of a limp, but tries to hide it, because that's the kind of dog he is. He doesn't like to show his pain, but you have to be aware of it.
So yeah, my man Hobbes is getting older, in dog years he is 70, but just because he is getting older doesn't mean that he can't still hold his own. Calvin still knows who the real boss is in the house, and it isn't him.
Hobbes and I have been going to that park for 11 years now, and there is a reason no one messes with him. Hobbes isn't anti-social, he just doesn't like the company of other dogs. He is very tolerant and humble, but he isn't a push over either. If a dog becomes too rough, Hobbes will let that dog know in no uncertain terms to back the fuck off, and he only has to do it once.
In the 11 years I have owned him, I have only seen him angry twice, once was at Rottweiler that deserved it and the other was an asshole landlord who also deserved what he had coming.
And I know for a fact that Hobbes is far tougher than that girl's dog who called Hobbes a pussy. I'm pretty sure at 70, Hobbes could still kick that dogs ass, while not even breaking a sweat in his winter coat.
And I know for a fact that Hobbes is far tougher than that girl's dog who called Hobbes a pussy. I'm pretty sure at 70, Hobbes could still kick that dogs ass, while not even breaking a sweat in his winter coat.
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