Day 13 was pretty much spent travelling. Got up at 5:30 am in Amsterdam, and on the autobahn by 6:00 am for the 429 km run to Frankfurt airport in Germany. I had one final chance to drive like a bat out of hell on the Autobahn,

Another 500 euros in gas, and about 200 euros in highway tolls, mostly in France.
In total, about $2000-2200 a person, not including spending money.
The car gave us freedom to go where we wanted to, when we wanted to. Yes this is the little monster I've been talking about...;-)

And finding a hotel in the town we ended up in, helped us stick to that plan. It also helped that we had a mapped out our general route before we left so that we could get the most out of our days abroad. We had hoped to rely on a fold-out map that we bought from MEC and some google maps that I had printed up before we left, but we quickly found out that these would not be enough. (We had to buy a very comprehensive European map book at a gas station in Austria before we could continue our journey on day 3)
I would highly recommend if you go, that you take a detailed map of Europe with the highways clearly marked, as well as detailed maps of the cities you plan to travel to. Navigating city street was tough, endless one way streets and poor street signs didn't help either. A smart phone would of helped us out immensely but it was way too expensive to be of any use to us abroad. The language barrier was an issue in most countries, but for the most part we managed to muddle our way through and communicate with people for just about everything we needed. Most people could speak a little English, and although they appreciated it when we tried to speak their language, they almost always answered back in English or found someone who could.
5289 kms in 13 days may seem like a lot to most people, but for us it really wasn't. We love travelling and seeing what the world has to offer, and especially love doing it by car. Could we of done it, if we had to stick to Canadian speed limits? Probably not. But that's part of what made this trip so special for me, I was able to drive as fast as my little car would go on the autobahn and not worry about getting a speeding ticket. I'm pretty proud to say that there are quite a few Audi and BMW owners out there that were surprised that a diesel Renault Picasso can go as fast as it did.
Definitely a trip of a lifetime for both me and my wife.
NOTE: Did you notice the giraffe in the last couple of shots and wonder what is up with that?
Stay tuned, I will explain in a future post.....
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