Prince William to share Queen's duties: Treasury document reveals secret plan to make him the 'Shadow King' 
"The Queen is to hand over a substantial part of her public duties to Prince William to help him prepare for the day when he becomes King, according to a confidential document obtained by The Mail on Sunday. Secret papers reveal that plans to ease the strain on the 83-year-old monarch and her 88-year-old husband, Prince Philip, are at an advanced stage...
...This will add to speculation that the Queen believes William, rather than Charles, represents the best long-term interests of the monarchy..."
Read more, here.

"The Queen is to hand over a substantial part of her public duties to Prince William to help him prepare for the day when he becomes King, according to a confidential document obtained by The Mail on Sunday. Secret papers reveal that plans to ease the strain on the 83-year-old monarch and her 88-year-old husband, Prince Philip, are at an advanced stage...
...This will add to speculation that the Queen believes William, rather than Charles, represents the best long-term interests of the monarchy..."
Read more, here.
Why is this of any interest to us here in Canada? Because as a Canadian we are a country that is ultimately governed by the Queen of England. Check it out:
"As per the Constitution Act, 1867, Canada is a constitutional monarchy, wherein the role of the reigning sovereign is both legal and practical. The Crown is regarded as a corporation, with the monarch, vested as she is with all powers of state,[9] at the centre of a construct in which the power of the whole is shared by multiple institutions of government acting under the sovereign's authority;[10][11] the Crown has thus been described as the underlying principle of Canada's institutional unity,[12] with the executive formally called the Queen-in-Council, the legislature the Queen-in-Parliament, and the courts as the Queen on the Bench."
courtesy of
And even though at first glance this may seem like a trivial story, news like this is of actual significance to Canadians like you and me.
story and picture courtesy of
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