So, the other day me, my nephews, and Dave went to Wonderland. I did the math and it had been almost 10 years since the last time I was here. Our aim was simple. To ride all the roller coasters in the park and to see who would puke first. So we got there right when the park opened and headed to the most popular coaster, the Behemoth, first.

Obligatory shot with the mountain behind me.

Waiting in line.

Riding the Behemoth.

The ride rocked. No one puked. But the hour and a half wait for it sucked. And that became the theme for the day. Line up and wait.
"Hey mom, guess where I am"

In the 8 hours we spent there, we ended up riding 7 rides. That worked out to approx. 1 hour wait per ride. Total ride time, approx. 10 minutes. After paying $44 to get in and $15 for a burger and fries, the only one wanting to puke was me! All kidding aside, we did have a fun day. But it will most likely be another 10 years before I come back again.
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