We are staying at the Double Tree Hilton resort in Puntarenas. It is not the type of place to go to if you want to swim in the ocean, or lay on the beach but there are plenty of pools, and tons of things to do and adventures to go on, which is why we choose this destination in the first place. Here are some shots of the view from our hotel.

We arrived late in the afternoon and didn't do too much the first day, but the next day we took an all day tour to see an active volcano, walk through the rain forest and swim in a natural hot spring which is heated by the volcano. The Arenal volcano has been active since the late 60's and is located about four hours drive from our hotel. At night you can sometimes see lava creeping down the side of the volcano, unfortunately we didn't see any while we were there, but we still got some pretty good shots.

Simply put, it was amazing experience.

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