For our anniversary, I got my wife tickets to Cirque Du Soleil's, Totem, and on Friday night we went to see the show. I'm not a big fan of the Cirque, I think their clowns are kinda creepy, but because it was something my wife really wanted to do, I sucked it up and took her.
We had dinner at the Goof in the Beach, an old hang out of ours, which we hadn't been to in awhile.

If you are looking for a quick diner style bite, with a Canadian Chinese food twist, the Goof is the place to go.

And then it was off to the show.

Totem is the story of evolution through the eyes of Cirque Du Soleil.

Definitely not as good as "O" in Vegas, but as a travelling road show, it was still really good.
If you are looking for something a little bit different to do in the city, check it out.
Cirque Du Soleil's, Totem runs until October down in the portlands.