Can't these clowns at the TTC do anything right?
Need I really ask?
The TTC is asking the province for 450 million dollars more, after it has already given the TTC 450 million dollars towards this very project, to cover the cost of the new streetcars the federal government wouldn't (and rightly so) pay for.
St Clair right of way streetcar line 2 years over due and millions of dollars over budget.
The better way?
Not even close.

Four more pools were spared this week, but nine others, located in lower-income neighborhoods are still on the chopping block.
Why are we still arguing about this. If money to keep them open is the issue, then charge a user fees and be done with it. It works with hockey rinks, why not with pools.
This should not have to be an issue every single year.

That just doesn't seem right. I'm from the school of thought that says, animals native to this country should have a permanent display for foreign visitors to see them in all their natural glory.
Panda's are cute and all, but I'm pretty sure that the grizzly bear can kick a panda's ass.
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