On the way there, we got a great cab driver,who made a detour and took us for a drive past President Barack Obama's personal residence in Chicago.

R2D2 delivers mail now?

Riding the bus to our next museum stop.

Next up was the Shedd Aquarium, again another must if you are in the Chicago area.

We heard about a free Jazz concert in Millennium park in downtown Chicago and thought we would check it out. These guys know how to do it up right. People brought tables and blankets and picnic baskets filled with wine and cheese. We kind of felt left out.

A cool fountain in Millennium Park.

Had to drop by the "bean" again too.

And to end our evening, we heard that there was a U2 cover band playing in a bar up the street from our hotel, and of course I had to check it out. 
Worst U2 cover band EVER! Two hours of my life I will never get back. They were called Elevation, and if they ever happen to come to Toronto, my advice to you, is avoid them like the plague, unless of course you're looking for a good laugh....

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