The wife and I call it "car porn".
One of the more popular segments of the show is they have a celebrity guest drive an average car around a track and time them. Those results go on a big board in the studio for all to see and it becomes a big competition for bragging rights between all the guests on the show.
They also have a mystery driver named the Stig who takes the car they are reviewing and puts it through the paces on that same track. Those times also go on a big board in the studio.
The Stig, who is so obviously a race car driver, never talks and his identity has always been a big mystery to everyone who watches the show ... that is until yesterday.
To open the shows 13th season with a bang last night, the identity of the Stig was revealed. Any guesses? Last chance...
Are you kidding me?!
That's right kiddies, the Stig is none other then 7 time F1 world champion, Michael Schumacher!
Top Gear can be seen in Canada on BBC Canada. Check your local listings, and check it out; you won't be disappointed, I promise
Apparently there is a Stig for every occasion. Schui, it appears, was just the "Ferrari Stig".
To find out more, click here.
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