Monday, February 26, 2007

Meet Calvin!

As I mentioned before, today is my wife's birthday. We had agreed that the trip to Vegas would be her gift ... how wrong I was. Turns out it was more my gift then hers. I know, I know, but in my defence the trip to Vegas HAD been all her idea. Anyway, she decided to make up for my lack of judgement. She decided she wanted another dog for her birthday as her real gift. I immediately resisted. No way, you are out of your mind says I! It would be too much work, what about Hobbes' feeling? and every other reason you could think of for not getting another dog. All day yesterday she persisted and I resisted. We argued. I gave her a list of reason why it wasn't a good idea, she gave me a list of why it was. This morning I gave her a set of luggage for her birthday ... we needed luggage for our trip to Vegas ... but it didn't quite get the reaction I was looking for ... luggage what was I thinking? I had to think fast, this afternoon we took a drive to place just outside of Peterborough called Hastings....
Meet Calvin.
This is Calvin's dad,And this is Calvin's brother and sisters.
And this is the breeder. She had border collie's everywhere.
I finally get the reaction I was looking for....
And Hobbes doesn't seem to mind having a new pal to hang around with, as long as we keep the treats coming.....
Happy birthday Pilar, and welcome to the clan Calvin!

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