My wife and I took a three day cruise to the Bahamas last weekend out of Miami. Originally we had wanted to go to Las Vegas for the last INDYCAR race of the season, but because of scheduling problems we were not able to do it. So it was left up to me to decide on where we went. I called my friend Jen who is a travel agent and we kicked around a few ideas before we decided on this three day cruise.
My wife and I have never been on a cruise ship before and have been thinking about trying it out. A three day cruise is perfect way to see if we would enjoy this experience without too much risk. Better to be stuck on something you don't like for three days then a week or more.

Another cool part about this whole experience was that my wife left all the planning up to me. She wanted to be surprised. So thanks to my friend Jen at Uniglobe Travel in London, Ontario, we got to work and came up with this trip. (If you are thinking of going on a trip I would HIGHLY recommend her. Send me an e-mail and I will get you her details).
My wife didn't know where we were going until we arrived at the check-in counter at the airport on Friday morning. And it wasn't until we landed in Miami that my wife found out our final destination was going to be on the cruise ship Carnival Imagination.

We landed at 2pm and were on the ship shortly after 3pm. The ship set sail pretty much soon after that at about 4:30 and we were on our way.
Our room.

The view from our room.

Checking out the ship.

Leaving Miami behind.

Relaxin' by the pool.

Sun set on deck.

This crazy towel art comes with our turn down service. We loved coming into our room each night, to see what kind of creature our steward would create for us.

Posing on the Lido deck.