When we were in Antwerp, Belgium recently, the Goodyear blimp, "Spirit of Safety" was flying overhead. I thought it was pretty cool to see floating above the city. I snapped a couple of pictures.

Check it out:
The Goodyear blimp "Spirit of Safety" erupted into flames and crashed on Sunday, claiming the life of pilot Michael Nerandzic. According to reports, the vessel began emitting fuel fumes as it came in to land at the Reichelsheim aerodome outside of Friedberg, Germany. Nerandzic ordered his three passengers, all journalists, to jump from the blimp from a height of around six feet. With the weight of the passengers gone, the dirigible shot approximately 150 feet into the air before bursting into flames and crashing back down.

Wow, what a weird accident...
story courtesy of autoblog.com
why the hell wouldn't the pilot jump with the others and let the balloon go?
I know, right?
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