Sunday, May 18, 2008

Trouble in the Beach

I went out for my ride this morning and this is what I came across, Police tape everywhere. So I rode up to the first cop I could find, which wasn`t hard considering they were everywhere. I told him I lived in the area and that me and my wife are down here all the time walking the dogs. I was told there had been an assault of some sort last night at about midnight. And then he asks if I was in the area at the time. Yeah, yeah, yeah ... I know what you are thinking ... he just wanted to know if I might have seen or heard anything. Thankfully, I was at work at the time. And unfortunately that was all I could get out of him. He did say to check the regular media outlets for more information. I did just that when I got home, but since it happened after midnight it wasn`t in today's papers. Nothing so far on the Internet. I guess I will have to wait for the evening news at 6.
I will keep you posted...

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