Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Big day for Hobbes

Today my trusty side kick goes in for X-rays and surgery to remove some lumps. He has a growth under his left front paw that has grown to the size of a golf ball. And because of where it is, it may be causing him some discomfort when he walks or tries to jump and catch his Frisbee. The Vet tells us its just fat deposits, so we are not too concerned. We have already gotten our first bit of news since I dropped him off at the Vets a short while ago. Er, Mr. Thomas, your dog has fleas. What?! That's, right, loaded with fleas. Which means, knucklehead sitting beside me here scratching away also has fleas. Great! Anyway here are a couple of snaps of Hobbes getting dropped off this morning.
Hobbes waits patiently for his turn.He still has it with the ladies.Hello friend.

1 comment:

purple said...

poor Hobbes. Buy him a bone from me and give him a good scratch.