We spent the weekend at my wife's family cottage. Here are some pictures from our trip. Hobbes loves the boat ride to the cottage.

He doesn't like sticking his head out the window in a car, but he loves riding in a boat.

It was Calvin's first trip up to the cottage. And it didn't take him long to figure out the proper way to ride in a boat.

Their cottage is on an tiny island that they own in the middle of the lake. Here is the view from it. Sunrise...

... and sunset.

Not even 8am and already a mess.

Up until this trip to the cottage, Calvin was not a swimmer. He picked it up right away when he saw the other dogs swimming. That's Calvin splashing in the background.

Hobbes looks on in case a rescue attempt is needed.

Out in the boat having some fun.

My wife knows its hard for me to relax when I'm up there at the cottage. I'm not one for lying in the sun and reading a book, which is a popular pass time up there. I find I need a little more stimulation (it must be the city boy in me). Stuck on an island, a ten minute ride to the main land by boat, makes it hard to pick up and go for a walk or a bike ride. So to help me out, my wife got me a remote control speed boat.

And I had hours of fun tormenting the dogs with it. In 2 short days Calvin became a world class swimmer chasing this boat around in the bay. We couldn't get him out of the water.

Hobbes is absolutely crazy about fishing. He will sit with whom ever is fishing and has to bite the rod every time a line is cast. He doesn't much care for the fish that is caught, he is just mesmerized by that worm on the hook. And he can't be distracted by anything. If there's fishing to be done, this dog will be your loyal companion.

Calvin couldn't care less.

Pilar's mom, Mannie.

We caught the afternoon matinee at the local dump. Four bears going through the garbage no more then 50 feet away. Pretty freaky stuff for a city boy.

The boys sunning themselves in the afternoon sun out on the dock.

Sunday also happened to be our 7th wedding anniversary. Happy anniversary to us!